Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Green Tea History

The history of green tea actually started from ancient Chinese culture. It is confirmed after the traces of the word green tea been found thousands years ago from Chinese literature. The Chinese man who tasted this tea is named as Shien Non Shei.But many predicts that the discoverer was the Emperor Shen Nung.The first tea developed was actually green tea only,after that only Oolong and black or red teas been developed.

In 800 AD ,a returned Japanese monk brought the tea seeds from Mt. Tiantai of Zhejiang Province .After that the Japanese developed their renowned teas such as Sencha, Matcha and Bancha In a book named "Tea Classic" or "Cha Jing". Written by Lu Yu is believed to be done between 600 and 900 AD where there is indication of green tea use. In the year 1673, England imported Chinese green tea .In India cultivation of tea started from the year 1834.

Green Tea development further grown by the discover of Oolong which is a fermented Green tea.This kind of Green tea actually becoming very popular day by day as people are becoming health conscious day by day and according to science this green tea is very beneficial to burn calorie from the body.

Green tea drinking was not just about only all about the tea itself. With this a whole sub-culture of teapots, tea cups and tea sets been developed. Green tea is actually made from the leaves of Camellia sinensis.

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